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The District Gazette is an independent community newspaper group
- written for local people
- about local people
- by local people
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By far the best advertising investment to date. I know when a new issue comes out because I get 3 – 4 calls on the first day!
Thank you!
The gazette was in our mail box today.
I am enriched and enlightened in reading the Glenmore Gazette.
Hope it’s a great day for you.
Don RobensReader
On behalf of the Ausburn family I would like to record my appreciation to the Emu+Leonay Gazette for the well crafted article on the opening of the Ausburn Reserve that appeared in your July edition.
I had several people mention the article to me before I’d seen it myself, which is a great reflection of the value of your community news publication.
It was wonderful to see the picture on the front page, accompanied by the story that Sara so expertly crafted.
I’ve posted a copy to my mum and siblings in Taree, and sent copies to my cousins throughout the eastern Seaboard and Singapore.
I’ve copied in Sara to this email to send my personal thanks for a job well done!
Thanks to all the team at the Emu+Leonay Gazette for brightening our lives with your good news stories and useful information.
Once again, the Lions Club of Emu Plains, and me personally would like to thank you for carrying Joshua Farr’s story in the June issue.
The fundraising for Joshua’s wheelchair was directly and positively influenced by you carrying the story, as we were approached by LOCAL businesses and individuals. who made donations and who said “We read the article in the Gazette”!
The current press release covers an inspiring story of 25 years ‘devotion’ to Lions by one of our members.
I hope you are able to include it in your next edition.
Belinda, Thank you once again for your invaluable assistance.
Please pass on my thanks to your journalist Cimmaron Sanders for the lovely article that he crafted in this months edition covering my recent appointment as a Member of the Order of Australia.
I have received positive feedback on the article from numerous family and friends which is testament to the reach and readership of your news gazette.
I also thought that it was really well constructed.
Thanks for your interest. And well done!
I am a BIG fan of the Glenmore Park Gazette. As a newbie I have been reading the issues cover to cover! Hahaha (been carrying them around with me as well – great source of local info).
Just wanted to thank you for the personal drop off of this months edition…’s the little things that sure do make the difference.
Larissa (Rondy’s Electrical)Advertiser
I wish to thank you and your team for assisting us to grow our business. The time has come for me to start winding done our operations as I start to plan for retirement.
Joanne Davis (Fluffy and Knuckles)Advertiser
Thankyou sooooo much you truly are an amazing woman and great supporter of the locals. Congrats again on your growth very exciting.
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