Playgroups play a significant role in giving your child the best chance at successful happy transition to school. Children who attend playgroups generally adapt to school life more easily having better social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills.

Impact on Brain Development

The first 3-5 years of life are vital for brain development, this is the time the neural pathways that create the foundation of our brains are built. The first three years are signified by rapid development, and during this time, every child needs to feel secure attachment to their primary caregivers, and supported by their community environments, including playgroups.

Playgroups support brain development by providing an interactive and stimulating environment. One of the ways they achieve this is sensory play, where children are exposed to touching and exploring different things, and physical play, which enhances sensory and motor skills.

Language and Cognitive advantages

Language and vocabulary develop through play and communication with others, listening, and following instructions in playgroup. Cognitive skills are developed through exposure to activities like puzzles, games, and activities, encouraging critical thinking, memory and problem solving.

These building blocks are appreciated by schools when the children start Kindy.

Social and Emotional Development

One of the key advantages that schools report for children attending playgroups is the impact on social and emotional development. Exposure to playgroups and interaction with other children and caregivers provide opportunities for children to practice sharing, co-operating, and navigating emotions in a safe environment. In addition, children benefit emotionally as they learn to express feelings like sadness, fear, anger, and joy, all in the context of play in a nurturing environment.

Children also benefit from the structured nature of playgroups that can help with practical tasks at school like lining up, sitting down, and following instructions.

Research consistently highlights a distinct advantage that children who attend playgroups have over other children when it comes to future academic outcomes. Playgroups provide a safe and nurturing environment to explore, play and practice a range of social, emotional, and cognitive skills that are building blocks for healthy relationships and ensure a smooth transition to school.

For more information on playgroups and to access NCNS local playgroups click below.

NCNS Playgroups at

NSW Playgroups at



Article Written + Submitted by

Sussan Omar | Parenting Facilitator

Nepean Community & Neighbourhood Services


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