As children start a new school year it can be challenging after such a long holiday, for both carers and children, to get back into the school routine. We have some suggestions here for you about the hard part – setting up a good study routine.


All children need good quality sleep to function and get through the school day. Increasingly children are on devices just before bedtime. Many, especially teens, have devices overnight in their rooms.

Children aged 6-12 years need 9-12 hours of sleep every night, and for teens, 8-10 hours is recommended.

It is important to note the stimulation caused by blue light can interfere with sleep patterns, as it can interfere with melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Children should therefore not use devices just before bed. Instead, encourage children to read, do puzzles or meditate before bed.

Physical activities

Physical activity should be incorporated into your child’s everyday routine. Research has shown that physical activity helps with memory, concentration, and processing of information, all of which help with study.

Furthermore, regular exercise reduces stress levels by releasing endorphins, thus promoting better mood. Another benefit to exercise is the increase in energy levels which can help with study.

Space, time, and organisation

A regular study time helps children to incorporate study into their routine. Often after school, after a break, or after exercise, will work best.

Can you dedicate a quiet, well-lit and distraction free place for study? New stationery, a plant or a new planner can help children start the year fresh. Make the homework area as calm and inviting as possible. If you don’t have the space, check out your local library or homework club. Most schools and public libraries offer free homework spaces.

Take the opportunity to help your child to organise their time effectively. A visual planner can easily be printed out and filled out to include assignments, tests, and scheduled events. Bigger tasks can be broken down into manageable tasks and assigned a time frame to help children stay on track.

Depending on the age of your child, you may find an app or electronic diary with built in reminders and alarms work best.

There really is no magic formula when considering a study routine, but a good place to start is to consider your surroundings, sleep quality, organisation tools and exercise.



Article Written + Submitted by

Sussan Omar | Parenting Facilitator

Nepean Community & Neighbourhood Services


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