There’s some very sad news to report, with Rocky (Lawrence Kevin) Roots passing away on the 29th September. Rocky was involved with the Show Society all his Life. He was an Honorary Life Member, Vice President and a hard-working Committee Member. He was previously involved with the Progress Association and was very much a local identity that will be sadly missed. Rocky’s Funeral was well attended in the Luddenham Uniting Church on Friday 11th October. R.I.P Rocky and thanks for all the good you did for Luddenham.
The Stage 1 Plan of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis was exhibited from 21 August to 2 November 2018 and they received more than 600 submissions during this exhibition. The Western Sydney Planning Partnership finalised a ‘What We Heard’ Community Consultation Report, which reflects the exhibition of the Stage 1 Plan. The updated version of the LUIIP (Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan) should be released in December and open for comments till the end of February 2020. They say the final LUIIP will provide a greater level of detail, drawing on the work being undertaken across governments. The final LUIIP will identify precinct boundaries, precinct staging, the vision and strategic objectives of each precinct, biodiversity conservation areas and recommendations for the Agriculture and Agribusiness Precinct. The Western Sydney Planning Partnership is responsible for delivering the Final Plan and Precinct Plans. In other words, the future of Luddenham.
Luddenham Progress Association has been working with Penrith City Council regarding upgrading Sales Park. An information session was held at the park and you can still have your say by visiting They are looking for new play equipment, playground surface upgrades, new seating, new landscaping, new planting and shade options, pathways and, if enough people are interested, some exercise equipment.
The RMS is proposing to build the M12 Motorway, a new 16-kilometre motorway between the M7 Motorway at Cecil Hills and The Northern Road at Luddenham. The motorway would connect the Western Sydney International Airport at Badgerys Creek to Sydney’s motorway network and is expected to be opened to traffic in 2025, before the new airport opens. Motorway construction is proposed to start in 2022. The M12 Motorway Environmental Impact Statement exhibition period is on now. All the details are at
Upcoming Information sessions to discuss the EIS will be held at the following times:
• Saturday 2 November – 10am to 1pm at Kemps Creek Sporting and Bowling Club, 1490 Elizabeth Drive, Kemps Creek
• Thursday, 7 November – 5pm to 8pm at Holy Family Primary School, Luddenham
Also, during October, part of a movie was filmed at the Church of England in Luddenham. The movie’s working title is Colours of Shade. More details to follow.
If you have an opinion on what Luddenham of the future should be like, please email your thoughts or views to