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The wait is almost over for thousands of children across the country, as they prepare for the start of one of the most important journeys of their life – starting school. Five-year-old Amaya Heffernan, from Jordan Springs, is all ready to go to start Kindergarten at Henry Fulton Public School this year.

Amaya, who is the older sister to one-year-old Delaney, can’t hide her excitement for starting big school! She is looking forward to doing science lessons, work in her school books and learning how the world works.

She enjoys playing cricket, playing at the kid’s club at her Mum’s gym, learning about anything to do with space and, most of all, she loves books. She may not be able to read on her own yet, but she enjoys listening to stories being read and exploring books on her own.

“We have been preparing Amaya for school in various ways. We have been discussing how the school environment will work and the expectations of her as a kindy student. This includes making sure that she knows how to complete all the self-help tasks that will make her life at school easier, such as how to put on her shoes herself, unzip and zip her jacket and open her own food packets” explained Ambere Heffernan, Amaya’s Mum.

The anticipation of our children starting school can also be a nervous time for parents. Mums and Dads have also been known to shed a tear or two as they wave goodbye on that first day.

“As a primary school teacher myself, I am used to being there for all the new students starting kindergarten.

Reassuring the children and their parents that they will be fine and that feeling emotional about it all is totally normal and okay. Now I will be on the opposite side of this. I will be the one dropping my first baby off to her first day of ‘big school’ and getting a tear in my eye. It will be a little surreal, but I am confident that she’s going to take to it like a duck to water” reflected Ambere.

Amaya has set her sights on being a scientist and playing professional cricket for the Sydney Thunder when she finishes school. You could say she’s reaching for the stars!

“We are happy that Amaya will attend school here in the local area, so she can be with some her current friends. Her school has somewhat of a rural feel to it. It has plenty of natural environment around and within and it feels cozy” ended Ambere.

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