CPB Contractors have been awarded the $119 million contract to deliver Stage 6 of The Northern Road upgrade between Eaton Road and Littlefields Road in Luddenham (the last section to be awarded). For this project, CPB Contractors will be upgrading 3.6 kilometres from a two-lane road to a four-lane divided road as well as upgrade approximately 2.5 kilometres of local arterial roads and deliver adjustments to public utilities. CPB Contractors were also awarded the contract to deliver Stage 5 of the project between Littlefields Road in Luddenham and Glenmore Parkway in Glenmore Park, with work well and truly underway. This is anticipated to be completed during 2021 and I think we are looking forward to that.

There’s been lots of comments with the recent elections and once again Luddenham was split into two electorates; State we had Camden and Mulgoa and Federal saw us in either Hume or Lindsay, where both elections had different boundaries. As a matter of interest, 503 people voted in Luddenham in the Hume electorate with 243 absentee votes that were mostly from Lindsay, making a total of 746 people voting in Luddenham.

Another successful Cuppa for Cancer was held in the Hill on the 23rd of May, to another full house and we will let you know more details next month. Special mention to Jean and Artie Willmington who have been running these for many years. They are saying that it may have been their last, but hopefully we can all convince them to do one more.

Transmission Line 39 is a 330 kilovolt (kV), single circuit overhead connection that extends 114 kilometres between the Sydney West and Bannaby substations (Southern Highlands). An approximate 3.2-kilometre section of the line crosses the site of Western Sydney Airport. A new 3.8-kilometre underground cable that generally follows the perimeter of the airport site has now been laid underground. During May, the 3.2-kilometre section of overhead transmission lines and towers have now been demolished.

Work is progressing well on the Western Sydney Airport Visitor Centre on Eaton Road in Luddenham. This centre will give the community the chance to watch the airport come to life right before our eyes. Western Sydney Airport Chief Executive, Graham Millett, said the visitor centre will use digital and augmented reality technologies to give the public an immersive experience. “We want the public to be a part of the journey and discover the airport’s story, particularly the benefits it will bring to the region in terms of jobs and opportunities” Mr Millett said. “Floor-to-ceiling glass panels will offer a first-class view of the airport construction area. Augmented reality will allow visitors to see exactly where the runway and terminals will be built and what they will look like from the vantage point of the Visitor Centre”.

Community and school groups as well as local and international visitors and members of the public will enjoy free access.

Also during May, Eaton Road was closed in the middle. Entry is now from each end unless you are going to the Northern Road construction compound.

If you have an opinion on what Luddenham of the future should be like, please email your thoughts or views to willmingtons@bigpond.com.

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