Health Matters

Butyrate is a small fatty acid. It is the main food for cells lining the colon. These cells use butyrate to make energy which allows them to remain healthy and do their jobs. One of these jobs is to provide a strong protective lining for the colon. Without butyrate colon cells slowly die. This leaves […]
2023 Blacktown City Pet Festival

The annual Blacktown City Pet Festival will be returning in October 2023. Pet lovers make sure to mark your calendar for a PAWsome day out! They have teamed up with the Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre to get tails wagging at the annual Pet Festival on Sunday 15 October at the new venue in Owen Street, […]
Paws A While

With warmer weather arriving, it’s time to dust off the BBQ and spend extra time gathering with friends and family outdoors. As we prepare, remember that it is important to check where your pets may be hiding – most likely under the table waiting for the food and snacks to drop. While party food is […]
Parents Corner

As parents and caregivers, our concern for children’s online safety is paramount. To protect them effectively, we must actively engage with and understand their digital world. Open communication from early years through adolescence can reduce online risks. Common Online Risks Depending on your child’s age and internet usage, risks may include: Excessive Screen Time: One […]
Health Matters

Animal studies show that probiotics can help colitis (Kato et al, 2004). For example, scientists can give rats a vinegar-enema, to quickly causes colitis. However, if these rats are immediately given a colonic irrigation with lactobacillus-fermented oat-soup (oat yoghurt), colitis is almost completely prevented (Fabia et al, 1993) Second, when Methotrexate, a chemotherapeutic drug is […]
Paws A While

Spring is here and it’s time to get the jump on fleas. Have you ever struggled with keeping your pet flea-free? Don’t be alarmed, you’re not the only one. During the warmer months fleas are particularly common. They make our pet’s lives itchy and uncomfortable. The answer to keeping fleas off your pet is simple […]
Celebrating 135 Affordable Homes Built in Jordan Springs and Ropes Crossing

BlueCHP was delighted to welcome Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Minister Julie Collins, and Minister Rose Jackson to mark the milestone of their 135th affordable home built in Jordan Springs and Ropes Crossing, as part of the St Mary’s ADI project recently. These homes have been delivered in partnership with Lendlease, the NSW Department of Communities […]
Parents Corner

Most parents have endured the sheer panic and embarrassment of having a child cry and scream in the middle of the supermarket. The good news is that shopping centre meltdowns can be prevented with a little pre-planning. Follow these tips for a more peaceful shopping experience. Tip #1: Choose the time of day wisely Consistent […]
Health Matters

As you know from my previous articles on ulcerative colitis (UC), the occurrence of UC is influenced by alterations in intestinal microbiota composition (Ohkusa & Koido, 2015; Wang et al., 2019). The human gut doesn’t only contain bacteria. It also contains other microbes that can influence gut health, including probiotic yeasts such as Saccharomyces boulardii […]
Ten Amazing Years!

The Jordan Springs Gazette reached a significant milestone recently, celebrating the 10th Anniversary since it was first published. The very first edition was delivered into letterboxes in July 2013. The front page would feature a young couple who were building their first home in Jordan Springs. Starting their lives together, their story would begin with […]