Health Matters

Annually 17000 Australians suffer blood clots in their veins (VTE). This article was inspired by a patient suffering iron deficiency, who’d recently been released from hospital after treatment for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and subsequent pulmonary embolism (blood-clots) in both lungs. DVT blood clots can break off and eventually lodge in the lungs causing pulmonary […]
Bold Jack Rocks Warragamba

After a two-year forced hiatus due to COVID, Warragamba’s Bold Jack Country Music Festival returned on Saturday 30th April. The popular local event had been on hold since 2020 and was welcomed back by the community. Performers were hanging out to get back on the stage at Warragamba Town Hall and the audience was excited […]
Parents Corner

Babies have long been misunderstood. When the field of psychology emerged in the early twentieth century, the earliest psychologists thought maybe infants just needed a reliable food source. Later, psychologists John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth first sketched out the idea of “attachment”. Attachment refers to an infant’s need to connect emotionally with their primary caregiver. […]
Paws A While

Leptospirosis is a disease caused by infection with a kind of bacteria called Leptospira. Leptospirosis can cause kidney failure and liver failure, and occasionally severe lung disease and bleeding disorders. The clinical signs of Leptospira infection vary considerably from no signs of infection, to just a mild illness of short duration from which the animal […]
Health Matters

Vitamin K deficiency bleeding disorder (VKDB) is common in newborns with dire consequences for severe cases: intracranial haemorrhage (50%),; A 20% mortality rate persistent neurologic impairment for surviving babies Risk of Newborn-VKBD is increased for: Babies of mothers using warfarin certain anti-seizure medications such as carbamazepine and heparin anticonvulsants though this is still debated or […]
Council Issues Planning Approval for $20 million Shopping Centre in Silverdale

Wollondilly residents can now look forward to a new village centre and commercial hub in the northern end of the Shire, with DA consent issued for a new $20m shopping centre in Silverdale. This is an important stepping stone for the expansion of the Silverdale village centre; the culmination of a complex planning process which […]
Parents Corner

“Play is the work of the child,” according to physician and educator Maria Montessori. As our understanding of child development deepens, the value of play has only become more apparent. ‘Free play’ describes play that is unplanned, spontaneous, and led by the child’s curiosity, interest, or imagination. For example, a child starts to draw and […]
Health Matters

There are two different forms of vitamin K, vitamin-K1 & K2 (respectively called phylloquinone and menaquinone). Vitamin-K1 is present in high quantities in collard & turnip greens, broccoli, spinach and some other green leafy vegetables with lower amounts in some other foods such as kiwifruits and dried prunes etc. Vitamin-K2 comes in several subtypes which […]
Paws A While

As a thank you to our clients, families, and friends, we recently invited them to join us to see the movie Clifford The Big Red Dog. We hired out an entire cinema at Skyline Drive-In Blacktown on Saturday 2nd April 2022. The night’s celebrations were a triple thank you to everyone for: 1. 12th Year […]
Wollondilly Shire Unites

Wollondilly Shire has dealt with bushfires and now floods in recent years. Heartbreaking times like these can bring out the best in people when they come together for their communities. This is certainly the case in Silverdale. Despite the heavy rains and flooding, 40 to 50 local people of all ages game together at Silverdale […]