Big School Calling for Rio

Do you still remember your first day at school? For many of us, it’s a day we’ll never ever forget. The first step of a journey that will change our lives forever. Thousands of children across the state and country are about to start this same journey. Rio Cook is one of those children, counting […]

Reading is a fundamental skill that involves interpreting and comprehending written words. At school, the main focus for children is to learn to read, then as children get older, the focus shifts on reading to learn. Amongst all this learning, sometimes the love of reading gets sidelined, or perhaps the spark of joy fails to […]
Paws a While

Our Kitten Adoption Program enables us to find homes for stray and unwanted kittens. Each kitten has a health check by a veterinarian to ensure they are healthy. They have had their first vaccination, been desexed, microchipped and have a product called Advocate applied, which controls fleas, intestinal worms and heartworm. We also worm them […]
Health Matters

Headache is the most common cause of neurological consultation in clinical practice for doctors, and many of my patients come because they are afflicted by them. Most people will suffer from what we call a primary headache, that is, headache not the result of another medical condition such as a tumour or aneurism, etc. However, […]
Parents Corner

We set personal goals and work goals. We watch lifestyle shows on the television or scan social media to get ideas about how we want to make changes to our home and garden. We make holiday plans. How often do we take stock of what is happening within our family? What is going well? What […]
Let it Shine!

Whether you live in Wallacia, Warragamba or even Silverdale, one of the first signs of Christmas each year is the amazing display of brightly coloured lights that appear all over the homes in our community. The 2019 Wollondilly Shire Council Christmas Lights Competition is well underway, showcasing the best lights and displays in the area, […]
Supper with Spirit a Success!

Last month the District Gazette hosted their first ever fundraising event, Supper With Spirit, raising money for Lung Foundation Australia. Guests enjoyed an evening of delight as Ghost Whisperer Suzie used her spiritual gift of psychic mediumship to relay messages to loved ones. It was an emotional night full of laughing, crying and of course, […]
Warragamba Inclusive Play Space Official Opening

Wollondilly Council hosted the opening of the greatly anticipated Warragamba Inclusive Play Space, ‘Livvi’s Place’ on Saturday 30 November from 11am to 1pm at Civic Park, Warragamba. The inclusive play space was officially opened by the Hon Angus Taylor MP, Member for Hume and Cr Matthew Deeth, Mayor of Wollondilly. Council partnered with the Touched […]
New Walking Group for Wollondilly

The community of Wollondilly Shire now has a new walking group, Warragamba Walkers, which formed last month. The local group meets every Monday and Thursday night from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at Warragamba Sports Ground. Everyone of all ages and abilities is welcome to join the group, where they can choose to walk for 15 minutes, […]
What’s Happening @WSNC

With Christmas and School Holidays almost here, it’s a busy time of year for the Warragamba Silverdale Neighbourhood Centre with several events happening. Blingo Bingo Blingo Bingo will take place on Friday 6th December at Warragamba Town Hall, with doors open at 6:00pm. Pre-paid tickets are $15 or $20 at the door. This is a […]