More than just Grass Cutters

When you think of motor racing, cars, motorcycles and even trucks come to mind. Did you know that you can also race ride-on lawn mowers? That’s right, the trusty ride-on mower that we all use to cut the grass can also be modified to race. We also have our very own club, right here in […]
School Weather and Air Quality Study

Luddenham Public School students and teachers will be taking part in a study by the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science at the University of New South Wales. Schools Weather and Air Quality (SWAQ) is a citizen science project funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science as part of its Inspiring Australia […]
Food Rescue Service Expands to Northern Wollondilly

The Our Community Pantry Northern Outreach Service (NOS) is a project of Our Community Pantry Wollondilly – a food rescue service based in Bargo. The aim of the project is to provide affordable food for those in the Northern parts of Wollondilly and beyond. A need was found to provide this service to those who […]
Wollondilly Shire faces Growing Problem of Illegal Fill

The Wollondilly Shire has increasingly become a target for unscrupulous operators from out of the area seeking to offload large quantities of illegal fill. Many Wollondilly property owners have had fill delivered with false promises that it is clean and harmless, only to discover later on that it is contaminated with building and demolition waste, […]
Think Spring – Think Leura!

Gardeners looking for inspiration or just wanting to experience the beauty of Spring in the world heritage listed Upper Blue Mountains, will again be flocking to the annual Leura Gardens Festival in October. This year’s Festival, the 55th, is open from 9:30am to 4:30pm and will take place for six days over two long weekends: […]
The Pride of Luddenham

The local sporting community is abuzz with news that a new rugby union club has been formed, with hopes that it will be ready to kick off in 2020. The Luddenham Lions Junior Rugby Union Club (JRUC) has the support of Penrith RSL JRUC and plans to fill the void in an area that is […]
Warradale Men Shed Awarded Grant

Warradale Men Shed is a member of the Australian Men’s Shed Association which is the peak body supporting almost 1,000 Men Sheds across Australia. Being a member of this association enables them to apply for grants that are offered through the Australian Government National Shed Development Program on a regular basis. During the recent Round […]
Latest @ Luddenham by Wayne Willmington

I think August saw its biggest change in Luddenham ever, with the sod turning for the final stage of The Northern Road upgrade at Luddenham. This will see The Northern Road divert to the eastern side of Luddenham Village. Local Federal and State MP’s, Peter Sidgreaves MP, Angus Taylor MP, Melissa McIntosh MP and Tanya […]

The question of whether you should get tutoring for your child is not able to be answered with a stock response. Not every child will benefit from tutoring and certainly not from some styles; however, many children thrive with tutoring as it can provide the key to confidence and ‘fill in the gaps’ within their […]
Parents Corner

It seems that every day, we are reminded of how people are becoming more intolerant, aggressive, and unkind. The other day, a young fella in a car behind me was becoming impatient at my persistence to stick to the speed limit. He sped around me, ran a red light, and nearly collected a pedestrian […]